It is with great
pride that I welcome
you to Deemah Stone
Having been in the industry to witness firsthand technological, market, industry and consumer developments, I can say with certainty that Deemah Stone has proven its ability to evolve and rapidly respond to change. Together with my partners, Mr and Mrs Elias and Rhonda Melhem, we have seen the company grow to become an international operation that we are immensely gratified for.
From delivering residential stonework services to full-scale commercial buildings, the evolution has been a result of the resources, know-how, network and experience we have gained along the way. With projects under our belt, such as Hilton Hotel chains in Sydney and Singapore; Emirates Financial Towers in Dubai’s Central Financial District; and Abu Dhabi’s World Trade Center; the Deemah Stone name has become one of the most reputable and known in the industry, on a global scale.
When I first migrated to Australia in the 1970s, I learnt the tiling trade and knew it was a trade I wanted to master.
Within the first five years, I built a network of industry suppliers and a team of people who shared my vision. Through the successful growth of the Deemah Stone name across Sydney, Australia, the expansion into global markets was a smooth transition. We had the confidence to deliver exceptional projects, offer the highest quality products and oversee the entirety of our scope of work from planning to execution with expertise. This competitive advantage gave us the push to then establish Deemah Stone LLC in Dubai and Deemah Stone WLL in Qatar.
We take the time to thank our supportive and passionate team, our trusted and reliable suppliers and each and every stakeholder that has been an integral part of helping achieve our vision. We foresee further global expansion, we anticipate long-term growth, and we continue to uphold our objective of becoming one of the world’s largest leaders in the stonework industry. We invite you to read more about Deemah Stone and thank you for your interest.
Raymond Bechara
“From delivering residential stonework services to full scale commercial buildings, the evolution has been a result of the resources, knowhow, network and experience we have gained along the way.